About Us

Leeds Baby Bank is dedicated to ensuring all children in our city can thrive and develop as they should by having safe places to sleep, food to eat, and toys to grow and develop as they should.

Leeds Baby Bank is dedicated to ensuring all children can thrive and develop as they should by having safe places to sleep, food to eat, and toys to grow and develop as they should.

From 2017, Leeds Baby Bank has helped provide thousands of families in need with essential items to ensure that their little ones are safe, growing and developing.

Baby banks should not have to exist, but while there are children in poverty in our city we will do everything in our power to help struggling families.

Breakfast Bite provides pay-as-you-feel breakfasts for students on City Campus from 9.30- 11am every Thursday morning during term time! Looking for a hot affordable breakfast on campus? This is your spot! 

You can choose from instant oats, toast and Idli (Indian rice cakes) or grab a cup of tea or coffee before heading to your lectures. 

It's right at Eco Soup by The Hive, and you can even bring your own bowl or cup for a free drink!